- Only a strong army and police, full and fair enforcement of the law and respect for the constitution guarantee the independence of Kosova

The implementation of the final decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosova for the grant of 24 hectares of land to the Monastery of Deçan was inevitable. The current government of Kosova had no other choice. This is also a condition for Kosova’s admission to the Council of Europe. If Europe does not do this, it risks losing even the last shreds of confidence of trust on her.
The painful decision about the land around the monastery can and should be used to strengthen the legality and functionality of the state of Kosova throughout the territory. Kosova has become an example of legality, democracy and human rights. Western diplomats will sooner or later be ashamed for their pressure on Kosova to violate the law and the constitution to satisfy Serbia’s dark desires.
The building of the independent state has been and still is very difficult due to the Serbian aggression and the unfair, unprincipled pressure by the European and American diplomats for temporary geo-political interests. The government of Kosova must protect the interests of the people who voted for them. The formula of action is very clear and simple. Consultation, coordination, cooperation and interaction with internationals, especially American ones, on all issues without harming the sovereignty, territorial integrity and normal functioning of the state.
The uncorrupted leaders of Kosova, President Vjosa Osmani, Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Parliament Speaker Glauk Konjufca with other government officials and associates, are proving their leadership skills at the international level every day. Contradictory accusations of possible “breakdown of relations with America” and “national treason” by failed politicians and sold-out media are not acceptable to the intelligent people of Kosova.
The support of the majority of the people inside and outside Kosova, as well as non-dissension, are guarantees for their successful long-term governance. They have chosen the difficult path to national glory. They must stay the course until the end, otherwise after all the efforts, they risk becoming like other failed governments.
Kosova has accepted and is ready to sign the European Union Agreement. This should be the last compromise of Kosova. Serbia, on the contrary, not only did not accept and sign it, but Serbian Prime Minister Brnabić also rejected it in writing. The claim that it is binding and that each party must start implementing it independently of the other party is a colossal deception, dangerous for the existence of Kosova.
Statements by foreign diplomats that allegedly both parties are guilty of not implementing the agreement are unfair and baseless. Even more disgusting is the request for the approval of the Serbian Association before the implementation of the first points of the agreement, where Serbia is obliged to accept the borders of Kosova and not hinder its membership in international organizations. As long as Serbia does not remove Kosova from the constitution as part of Serbia, there should be no talk at all about any Serbian association in Kosova.
The Serbian minority in Kosova enjoys all the rights adorned with privileges. The statement of the American emissary Gabriel Escobar that the association ensures the inclusion of the Serbian minority in the state of Kosova is unfounded. On the contrary, the association causes the final loss of independence until the complete destruction of Kosova. He thinks that Serbian officials have Dutch culture and does not understand their flattery and tricks. The people of Kosova know them well, because they have suffered on their backs for centuries.
The issue of the dinar inflated by Serbia would be funny if it were not dangerous for Kosova. All those who trumpet that the Serbian minority is unable to exchange and use the euro, belittle them and deny them the right to participate in democracy. The question arises, should Kosova get permission from Serbia and Europe to address every internal problem?!
In fact, the Serbian minority in Kosova is threatened by the criminals of the Serbian state, not by the state of Kosova. At the moment when the criminal influence of the Serbian fascist regime in Kosova is completely blocked, this minority will embrace its own state, the Republic of Kosova, without hesitation.
Europe’s desperation to withdraw Serbia from Russia has enabled Serbia to deceive and play with its diplomats. Sometimes it seems that they even “like” Serbian lies. America, because of bigger problems, has left it to Europe to solve the problems with Serbia in the Balkans. Both together have entered a dead end. The policy of appeasing the aggressor and subduing the victim never brings results.
Serbia continues its preparations and lives with vain hopes for the complete annihilation of the Albanian nation. They are pushing the solution in the hope that Putin wins in Ukraine and former President Trump in the US elections. The wretches do not understand the reality that nothing and no one can help them in their dark hegemonic aspirations. They invaded Kosova by force and lost it with war forever.
Those who think that Serbian appetites are quenched by association or exchange of territories are dreaming in a daylight. These are just the next demands of Serbia. In the comments of Serbian chauvinists in X, the slogan “soon in Prizren”, not in Mitrovica, dominates. It is easy for them to get access to the sea from Prizren because their man Edvin Kristaq Rama is waiting for them across the border. Pure thing, he is desperately running after Vučić, hoping that they will erect a monument to him in Belgrade together with Jani Kondo-Bimbashi!
Kosova should not depend on the mercy and ruthlessness of others. It should focus on building and strengthening the state economically and militarily. It doesn’t need cowards and losers. Our people in the diaspora should get involved in the structures of the countries where they live and increase lobbying activity, especially in America. Above all, Albanians must maintain strong families with many children because the Albanian nation is in danger.
The land of Deçan unjustly given to the monastery is a very painful thing. Even the birds of the pine trees of Deçan know that Prime Minister Kurti and the current government of Kosova are not to blame for it. Investigative journalists, politicians, various activists and especially historians have enough time to name the main culprits for historical reasons.
But everyone together can do better to help find ways to turn this loss into a win or at least reduce it. There are many possibilities in terms of official international documentation of the Albanian origin of the monastery, negotiation with the Serbian clergy about the possibilities of developing tourism where it has existed for decades, the blocking of anti-state actions in the monastery’s premises and work on its inclusion in social and economic local life.
Various experts have the opportunity to show their skills. As former resident of Deçan, a tourism expert and one of the main contributors to the development of tourism in the 80s, in the construction of the new hotel and the design of the tourist complex for winter tourism near the monastery with continuation in Bjeshka e Belegut, I am ready to contribute in every aspect.
The monastery of Deçan belongs to Dardania! Dardania is ours!